
~most busy day~

today is 14/3/2009~valentine day
bt,me no celebrate wit my dear
today 7.00a.m start me ald wake up jorr
cz wan go skul d
we at thr ply very very happy
bt,oso gt abit nt so happy,cz gt sumthing happend

me at thr oso gt take many many pic luu
haha...they all very funny~do me always laugh
when ply game,they all look very funny...
me summore ply until head pain pain n gong gong
today really is a happy day^^

sheng hui n chao xin

my team^^

start game~GAMBATEH

when rest

c wat orhhx??
plan plan plan...
we take tiok prize orhxx

haha,before we wan bac me oso gt take pic wit my didi[wen jie]
he is a very handsome n gud gud de boy boy owhh
n oso gt wit my frenz take pic,tat pic oso is first time take wit she
bt,today me no take tiok pic wit my dear...haixx
cz always cant find tiok chance wan take wit he
so,jx can wait nex time gt chance again liao luu

me n my didi

me n jing wen

bt,today my dear when ply game hurt tiok head
his head very pain...haixx...kelian nia
hope he tomoro wont pain pain again^^
ltr bac from skul,me bath+eat eat ald near 3p.m
then straight wan go out gai gai again jorr
cz my dear de frenz birthday wan celebrate

ltr near 5p.m like tat,
we ald eat finished jorr wan go c movie
we c tat the race to witch mountain
say nice is ok larhx,jx me no so many energy go c
hehe...me really is very tired
summore cinema dark+cold,do me more feel sleepy

ltr c finished movie ald 6p.m+ jorr
then we at thr walk walk n ply ding ding
haha..they ply ding ding very funny luu
do me at thr laugh until cant stop,hehe
ltr ply finished we oso find one place sit+rest+eat
before wan bac,cheat keat treating~
buy mcd ice-cream gv we eat~haha

ltr eat finished ice-cream n gv present
we all oso wan bac home jorr
tis is a very special valentine day n happy day
me long time no like tat whole day happy jorr
tis memory will in my heart forever^^

1 条评论:

*daNiel* 说...

kelian le..haiz...