
~rainning day~

today is a rainning day
bt,jx rain a while only~
ltr rainning the sun out again jorr
today de sun feel very warm
maybe is my mood no like last week sad jorr
so jx feel today de day so nice^^

ltr rainning day^^...love it

nice nice^^

ltr the rainning~ me at my home outside c the sky
the sky really very nice n pretty
c the sky~me think tiok my dear
today me whole day no chat wit he one word
cz both of we de handphone oso no hv credit
so cant chat whole day jorr...

bt,nvm larhx~
nt first time like tat alone jorr^^
ma think is learn when wan pmr n stpm tat month luu

when wan pmr n stpm tat time,me n he sure no sms de
cz we 2 oso mz gambateh in our exam
me nw oso nt so free jorr~
cz wan start do sejarah project
bt,me really donno wan hw do
headche nia~most hate is do project liao de~
who cal tat project is gt markh in pmr~abor me sure no do~haixx

bt,gt my dear~me sure can do tiok de~
cz he oso gambateh tiao he study^^
so me oso cant so lz dunwan study de

dear~both of we oso GAMBATEH !!

bt,c he everytime study until very tired
me oso donno me can do wat~
me sumtime really feel me is a no use de gf
when he feel gt many pressure n nt happy
me oso cant help tiok he wat~jx can at thr c he no happy
me ald try to do he happy n think hw jx can gv u less pressure
bt,me really cant think tiok wan hw to do jx can gv he happy
me is a no use de gf issit??

dear, sry bout i to your negligence
if u nw jx wan study then wan giving up our love
then me wont blame u~me will wait u until u study finished
me wont regrets me love tiok u
loves you are in my life most happiness de thing
me will try my best to gv our relationship until forever~
promise me k??gt anything oso dun try to giving up our love

♥ i love u forever ♥
♥ u very important in my life ♥
