
~second work dayy~

aiyoyo~today very tired lurhx
me work at 1p.m today~hehes
nothing special today
still is very boring & boring lurhx
hahax~but nvm la
at thr dream then get money jorr

flu today jorr
my shop air-corn too cold
me stand one day then flu
aiyoyo~really is so beh yong nia
hahax...so ez then get flu jorr


today HE sms me again
HE ask me we can together bac??
at tat time~me really donno nid hw to do
me very happy bcz me ald wait he say tis very long
but oso very sad why he wan hurt me then jx together bac?
wat should me do now??
me still choose wit he together bac again??

HE ald wanna in University
wait he go thr sure noe more n more pretty gal
n me n he oso ald nt same skul
me really scare later wit he together bac
me scare HE will hurt me again!!
so..me choose later he stpm jx c how
at tis few month gv myself a rest
oso gv we a time to think we will together very long

now me ald no go think about my love
me jx think hw study & find work only
about my study really is hard to say
aiksss~long time me ald no study jorr
cz everyday ltr work oso very tired then go slp jorr
jx can wait later work then study hard only

about my MM
MR.CK say he can teach me
so when me donno me can go ask he
hahax..then me oso no nid worry jorr
jx scare later he teach will forget only
hohohO~tats all ferr today
