
~hw jx can b happy??~

long time didn updated my blog
cz tis month really no anything happend
today...is my heart broken dayy
tis few week oso very unhappy
why??why??why cant gv me happy??
me jx wan happy in my life...

me n HE ald nt same last time
me oso donno hw say about tis
jx..jx feel me n he ald no like last time
me really so long time didn gud gud chat wit he
wat can i do??me nid hw do he jx can care me??
but~tis all ald b ok jorr
he everytime oso like tat~jx say gv me happy abit only
ltr nex day then oso ald wat he promise me

today hear a sad story
tis story make me cry today

a girl n a boy is a couple
they very sweet~oso everyday together
but at tis few day~the girl start chg
she chg to no like together wit the boy

one day,the boy buy a contact lens gv she
then he go sunway find she
bcz she tell he she with her frenz go out
but,when the boy go till thr n phone she
he jx noe the girl at her x-bf home

later his gf tel he...
the boy close his hp n cry
he very sad at tat time
he ald noe his gf always sms wit her x-bf
but he still shut up n gv his gf sms wit her x-bf

he n she is share one hp line
but at tis month...the cost is RM400
she use her bf money come sms with her x-bf
his mum about tis come bit he n scold he
n oso keep up he hp n all money
at tat time~the girl come say wanna break wit he

the boy about she gv mum scold
summore about she ald use whole money
but..he still no angry the girl
summore go beg the girl come bac to he side
but the girl jx say donno only

later i heard tis story
i really is so heart pain n cry
why the girl will like tat???
the girl use he all money then at las oso break wit he
the boy until now oso very love she
oso about she ald cry 3 days

at last..i hope the boy will happy bac
n dun go love she again
she jx will gv u hurt forever only
love is need two heart together
if one heart ald no love~then tat ald nt cal love
i hope u will find a gud gf n happy forever

but..if u still choose love she
thn me jx can at ur side support u


suddenly i think..
if my bf gt like he like tat donno hw gud
but,i noe it is impossible
