
~my happy day~

today is most happy day
when today morning go to skul
my frenz call me going KG c who come
when going thr~yeaa!!!I c tiok Aaron & Kee Chong
wahh~really is so suprise when c tiok they
i really is long time didn c they jorr

hahax..me really so miss they
c tiok they oso think bac last time
form 1 time is me most happy de memmory
me forever oso wont forget tat year
but kee chong become fat fat jorr
hahax~aaron oso become thin liao

hahax..all ppl c tiok they oso feel so suprise
n all oso at thr chat about kee chong b fat
hahax~so funny nia!!!do kee chong at thr shy shy
long time no like today de rest jorr
all at thr ply & chat~jx like old frenz long time no see
hahax~hope forever oso can like tat happy


nex week oso is my last week
my PMR ald coming soon
aikss~so scare about my SJ,SC & GG
me scare me will get fail in tis 3 sub
now ald got more confidence in my MM sub
but hw oso me will try my best to get a gud result

now start oso will everyday study hard
wont like last time always ply jorr
hahax...jx hope faster PMR finished
then me wan plan go out ply & sing k jorr
hahax...think tiok tis oso feel very happy nia

tats all about today

nothing to post jorr
