
~to sum rubbish ppl~

today is a raining dayy
my feel jx like today
today me cry again
me oso is first time like tat cry too much
me straight in front my family cry
then oso cry till half hour
*sumthing is happend*

me no like tat cry be4
me everytime cry wont long than 20min
jx will stop a while then continue bac
but today straight cry cant stop
issit me ald very tired so jx cry cant stop???
myself oso donno...jx noe today is my bad day

i hate XXX
jx hope he dun stand in front me
abor me sure slap he
me now jx noe he is hw de ppl
it was so disappointed to me
i hate he so much

he XXX..jx like a 斯文败类
look nice but inside jx is a rubbish
no...sum rubbish summore can recyle
he is bad than rubbish many many
me noe me oso gt wrong
but nid like tat all oso come say is me??

jx dun gv me c tiok u in front me
me sure wont forgive u forever
gt u like tis de frenz oso do me so shy
gt like tis eat shit + rubbish frenz
F***~u do die la!!!me wont forget u hw treat me
u wait tiao c~gt chance me oso will do bac u


one more day then is my PMR
so me now oso nid study hard again
cant gv my parent disappointed to me
oso cant gv MR.D disappointed to me
me will try my whole best in my PMR

