
~I Hate You~

today exam last dayy
*yeaa~very happy*
bt my all exam so GAI
all fail this time~aikssss

when finished scholl
me acompany he to wait he dad
sumthing is happend when tat time
got 2 girl suddenly come bit he
then ltr bit liao walk away jorr

HATE U !!!
SEI HIAO PO~bit my bf in front me
summore bit till so syok
my bf no do tiok u anything oso
self ki hiao come bit my bf

no c like tat hiao de girl be4
summore very bey paiseh

self so ugly oso donno
come learn ppl ki hiao

we oso about this thing quarrel
aikksss~i hate HE so much
y he wanna like tat treat me???
issit my frenz tell me de is rite???
me really donno~I'm so sad NOW

5 条评论:

eNn's bloG 说...

don's sad ma...be happy ke?
dun chap tat ppl la...
just must see how ur bf think nia..
^^smile always oO...

~ LiLiaS ~ 说...

^^~okay okay~thx ferr u^^
long time didn c u ald^^

eNn's bloG 说...

hehe..yae luu..
miz me a???
i oso very long din saw bee yan le luu...
dunnoe how is she oo..=X


~ LiLiaS ~ 说...

me oso din c bee yan jorr
jx gt c be4 hui theng
she chg many lurhx~hahax

eNn's bloG 说...

yae luu...
changed bcome leng lui alot oo..
hehe..i saw the photo oso shock tiok oo..Xd